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Application & Fee Information

Application Package for Subdivision and Land Development Reviews


1.  Cover letter and review fee from the municipality with jurisdiction

2.  Project narrative

3.  Hard copy of plan documents, to include the following:

  • Parcel identifiers (Tax Parcel #)

  • Lot layout and total number of lots

  • Parking area(s) with municipal standards shown

  • Access to surrounding roads and properties (state or local road delineation)

  • Current FEMA floodplain delineation, as applicable

  • Wetland delineation, as applicable

  • Steep slope (>25%) delineation, as applicable

  • Total site acreage and acreage per lot

  • Area of individual lots and total square footage of proposed buildings

  • Existing structures

4.  Digital submission of plan documents in PDF file format in addition to hard copy

5.  Sewage Facilities Planning documentation and forms

6.  Storm Water Management Plan (or statement)

7.  Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (or statement)

8.  Utilities statement (water supply and wastewater treatment)

9.  Proposed number of employees (non-residential developments)

10.Traffic data for developments (average daily trips, anticipated route, travel on site)

11.Basic design standard information (frontage, setbacks, height, zoning, land use, etc.)


For all development reviews, please remit payment for the fee amount. This can be done by clicking below or by tendering a check, made payable to the Blair County Planning Commission. Send the application package to: Blair Planning, 423 Allegheny Street, Suite 046, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648. PDFs can be emailed to Rhonda Kelly.


 ** No review shall be made without payment of the fee and a letter from the host municipality authorizing the review. **


For further information, please call (814) 693-2080 x1.

Blair County Planning Commission

Development Review Fee Schedule

Effective July 1, 2023


Municipal Land Owner and Applicant (current on local share payment, otherwise use rates below)

$0         All applications (included in annual local share)


Sewage Planning Only

$50       Act 537 Planning w/o concurrent Act 247 Approval


Residential Activity

$175     No-Build Residential Subdivision (w/ Act 537 Planning or Non-Building Waivers)

$300     Residential Subdivision or Land Development w/o New Road Construction (w/Act 537 Planning)

              w/ an additional $50/lot for each lot over five, max fee of $2,000

$1000   Residential Subdivision or Land Development w/ New Road Construction (w/ Act 537 Planning)

              w/ an additional $50/lot for each lot over five, max fee of $2,500


Non-Residential Activity

$200     Non-Residential Incidental Improvements (i.e. improvement activities w/o building permit , and agricultural

             development without commercial parking)

$300     No-Build Commercial, Industrial or Institutional Subdivision (w/ Act 537 Planning)

$1,000  Commercial, Industrial or Institutional Development (w/ Act 537 Planning) up to 50,000 ft² of building construction

              w/ an additional $100 for each 5,000 ft² over 50,000 ft² of building construction, max fee of $4,000


Other Reviews

$75       Hourly rate for any application that is not covered by the above fee schedule.


* Fees for all projects in municipalities that are not current on the local share payment will be increased by $250.


Municipal Local Share for 2023 and 2024 is 53¢ per capita.

We accept payments for plan reviews online. Click the button to the right and follow the on-screen prompts.

We can also process payments over the phone and in-person. And, of course, traditional checks still work!

Blair Planning
423 Allegheny St., Suite 046
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648 

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